If the correct stimulus of the needles has been obtained, the patients should feel no pain but some heaviness, distention, tingling, or electric sensation either around needle or traveling up or down the affected energy pathway or meridian. Some people categorize those sensations as a type of pain, especially those who have never experienced these kinds of sensations. In most cases, patients feel nothing uncomfortable. A lot of patients even feel very relaxed. Some of them take naps during needle retaining.
Acupuncture is the insertion of very fine needles into the body at specific points. These points are called acupoints. They are distributed all over the body where the meridians come to the surface of the skin. Stimulating the points with the needles (sometimes in conjunction with electrical stimulus or burning specific herbs is called Moxibustion) influences and regulates physiological functions of the body.
Q: How many treatments will I need?
Service for Phoenix, Tempe, Gilbert, Chandler, Mesa, and Scottsdale area
Q: Does acupuncture hurt?
Q: How Acupuncture works on Stress Anxiety &Depression?
Feelings of stress,anxiety and depression are a healthy response to events in our lives. When we are healthy and the stress is short-lived, we are usually able to recover. However, when the stress is extreme, or if it lasts a long time, the constant state of stress takes its toll on our emotional health and ultimately,our physical health. Qi ,the vital substance of life that energizes the body and its functions,stagnates causing tension and pain, Cortisol, the body 's stress hormone elevates,blood pressure increases, and our immune function is suppressed. Over time ,these symptoms become worse and can develop into anxiety,depression,fatigue,digestive problems,and tension headaches.In Chinese medicine, stress ,anxiety,depression or any strong emotion interreupts the smooth flow of Qi throughout the body. Stress,anger or any intense emotion acts like a traffic jam, blocking the free flow of energy throughtout the body thus causing pain. This is because stress is causing tension in those areas,constraining the flow of energy,which in turn causes pain ,tightness and often leading to headaches. Stress may affect many other parts of the body, most notably digestion, the ability to sleep,apin conditions, and blood pressure. Stress can also aggravate an already troublesome health conditon
Depending upon the duration, severity, sensitivity to the treatments and nature of each individual’s complaints. Generally from four to eight treatments are required for the majority of chronic ailments. Many acute conditions may only require a single treatment and some degenerative conditions may require over ten treatments.