"For many years, I suffered from very painful periods (dysmenorrhea). I would have nausea, vomiting and painful cramps so bad that I would have to schedule days off from work or miss school. My periods were so terrible that I actually feared them each month. After being prescribed many pain relievers over the years, my doctor recommended birth control pills in hopes of regulating my hormones and reducing the pain. Unfortunately, I experienced daily migraines, nausea, vomiting, fatigue and about 30 lbs of weight gain while taking the birth control pills. And, the dysmenorrhea never subsided. I felt miserable. After a little less than 3 months, I took myself off of the pills. My period didn't return for almost 6 months after discontinuing the birth control pills. I didn't really mind at the time, because I was honestly happy to get a break from the monthly torture of painful cramps.
After some time, I sought the help of a natural Doctor who recommended labs and imaging. She diagnosed me with hypothyroidism and PCOS. My period sporadically came around 3 or 4 times within a 3 year time span. That's when I met Dr.Zhang
Immediately after hearing my story and doing an intake/diagnosis, Dr. Zhang was able to create a raw herbal formula specifically for me. I took the herbs as instructed for ten days, and within 3 weeks, my period came. It has been a relief to finally have a monthly period. Not only has my period returned, the pain is so minimal that I have not needed to take any prescription strength pain relievers for the cramps. My energy has also returned and I have been feeling more like my old self again. Dr. Zhang is very knowledgeable and is spot on in her diagnosis and treament. I am so happy I have found her to help me along my journey to optimal health."
Anna, Age 32, 12-1-15
Amazing! Have a pinched sciatic...couldn't stand up straight. After one visit was almost able to stand up straight. Can't wait to have more sessions and get rid of this pain entirely.
Julie L 07/01/2017
Dr. Zhang is a amazing doctor!! I had chronic hives, and had to go to the urgent care to control my itch with steroids, even with the steroids I was still itching so badly but after 3 treatments with Dr. Zhang it is completely gone. I am not kidding you.... This is how amazing she is!! She is also very kind and caring!! :)
Katie 2019 (Google Review)
My husband and I have been seeing Dr Zhang for over 5 years. She has cured a variety of our ailments. She is the best of the best!
Judy 2018 (Google Review)
After working in the same hospital for 35 years I had accumulated several injuries,During moving I over lifted a box, had an MRI SHOWING A BULGING DISC. It blossomed into sciatica, lower back pain, radiating pain, down left leg, unbearable. I was worried I would not be able to work any more. From the first time I met Feng, I'm felt comfortable. She reassured me that acupuncture could relieve my pain.
Feng has a kind peaceful spirit, intuitive with personal boundaries, warm, caring, informative and a teacher of. Feel restored to balance by mind body spirit after I go to acupuncture. Walking in with no hope of pain relief without surgery or heavy duty pain killers I was not really expecting much. She assured me with patience the pain could be relieved. Since first going until now I have days of freedom from the shooting pain down my left leg, burning pain in my right hip. This has given me a new hope for living life and being more active verses just surviving daily pain.
I am on no narcotics for pain and haven reduced the amount of over the counter pain relievers.
I have had swollen glands disappear overnight, headaches relieved; my blood pressure has gone down.
I have so much hope for my life now. I know if I reinjure myself, I can get through it with Fengs help, acupuncture, without surgery or prescription pain medications.
This woman is a unique spiritual treasure. She is dedicated to relieving people's pain and improving the quality of life of those she touches!pppp
Theresa , Age53, 12-12-2015
I looked forward with pleasure to my weekly Acupuncture treatment with Dr.Zhang, because I consistently saw definite improvement of my symptoms after each treatment without exaggeration. I travelled a distance to keep my appointments because I felt better each time. Feng demonstrated the kind of care I appreciated and she thinks of her patients between appointments as she searches for ways to improve patient’s protocol and my experience. I recommend her highly without reservation.
Carrie 1/2/2017
I have wanted to do acupuncture for many years but due to a needle phobia I avoided it. After doing some research I decided to go with Dr. Zhang. I must say that I wish I would have seen her years ago. I suffer from several medical conditions that require me to be on several medications to which the side effects are worse than what they're supposed to be treating me for. I was skeptical at first but after my first visit I already see results. I was so impressed with Dr. Zhang that I have referred several of my friends to her and they also are seeing results from smoking cessation to chronic pain to weight loss. I never thought that I would be cured from insomnia but since I've been seen her I have been getting 8 - 9 hours of sleep a night feeling refreshed when I get up in the morning I don't remember the last time I felt so good I hope at some point to be off all of these poisonous medications I thank God for Dr. Zhang everyday. I finally see some light at the end of the tunnel.
Chanta Age 46. 5/11/2016
I've had chronic allergic reaction for years and every doctor I saw just suggested steroids. I gave up and managed by avoiding what I thought was causing the reactions. This past spring, however, I developed oral food allergies and enough was enough. I found Dr. Zhang and she was eager to help me from the start. It took several treatments, but my oral allergies are pretty much gone and my other reactions have decreased about 85% in severity and frequency.
Jai 2019 (Google Review)
Dr. Zhang , I am writing to Thank You for doing your best to treat me! After numerous surgeries on my spine and other parts of my body I was left with daily pain treating with medications. Your efforts have helped greatly during my treatments and I look forward to each session. I especially appreciate that your treatment is all natural and does not include narcotic medications or surgeries. When you deal with pain on a daily basis acupuncture is a great avenue to explore!!
Thank You, Vince 11/17/2016
Dr. Zhang treated me for mononucleosis after traditional western medicine failed to cure the virus. After a single session, my health instantly improved. After only three sessions, my mononucleosis was cured. Dr. Zhang is caring, careful, and devoted to her patients. I highly recommend Dr. Zhang for instant results. – Jon Moussa ( Twitter: @Jwmoussa)
Jon 7/6/2017 (Google Review)
I wanted to send this note to tell you how much I appreciate all you have done for me to alleviate my lupus symptoms.
When I was diagnosed with SLE in 2014, the only options offered to me were anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics and steroids – and I felt really discouraged. I was depressed, I had extremely low energy and constant headaches. I also gained weight, suffered with joint pain, and had so much edema in my legs and feet that I could barely stand it. I tried to manage it with diet and natural supplements but nothing seemed to help much at all.
Then I tried acupuncture … and I am amazed at how well it is working for me! Your treatments over the last several weeks have really improved my energy and overall health! The headaches are going away, and so is the pain/numbness in my hands. The edema is also getting better – and most importantly I feel so much happier and healthier. Thank you Dr. Zhang!!
Lynn, Age 55, 7-15-2015
Dr Feng Zhang is a great person to come to for whatever thing you may need, she was very detailed and made sure I was comfortable throughout the process. I would recommend her to anybody due to the fact that she is highly educated and trained and overall a great person! (Google Review)
Osiel 2019
Dr. Zhang is a master herbalist as well as state-of-the-art acupuncturist. She has helped with my irritable bowel more than anything or anyone has before using herbs--that taste bad, thus they are good. She also has done wonders for my low back pain. She is personable, pleasant, and attentive. She comes from a family of Chinese medicine doctors. I highly recommend her.
Rick 5/2018 (Google Review)
Dr. Zhang did a terrific job in helping me. I went in with unusual symptoms (numbness and chills in my chest area) and she was very interested and asked a lot of questions. Five sessions and an herbal remedy later, I am all better! Prior to going in, I got no help at all from my doctor, so I'm pretty much a believer now. Dr. Zhang is kind and easy to work with, and she has some much knowledge and expertise!
Bill 2018 (Google Review)
Dr Zhang is an amazing person I always suffered with migraine for 10+ years and recently got diagnosed with hemiplegic migraines and she helped me by giving Me treatments and herbs. The migraines completely went away. She is amazing I highly recommend her. I’m so happy with the results. (Google Review)
Dr. Zhang is an extremely knowledgeable acupuncturist. Probably the best I've gone to. She has helped me and my family overcome health issues numerous times. I have recommended her to friends and family. You won't be disappointed. (Google Review)
Michal 2019
I was diagnosed in 2004 with Multiple Sclerosis. In 2006, I was later diagnosed with Osteo Arthritis, and in 2009 I was also diagnosed with Spiral Stenosis. I had over 35 different medicines. I began Acupuncture 2 months ago. I’ve had positive results on numerous things, such as no more muscle spasms, improved focus, memory, walking and speech abilities, hair growth, improved sleep and appetite, less constipation. I stopped taking more than half of my meds. I decided to continue Acupuncture. Dr. Feng Zhang has worked miracles on me. I thank God for her. She is the best!!!
Yolanda, Age 45, 10/12/16
Dr. Zhang is amazing I went in for my seizures and got wonderful results they have been more then reduced in half, I am so pleased as well as my headaches are so much better. I would recommend her to anyone who is looking to do acupuncture I am one very satisfied customer. (Google Review)
Kristina 1/16/18
Thank you Dr. for helping me to work through the chronic hives I have been suffering with since July 2015! After six acupuncture treatments and three days raw herbs, I have been able to reduce my allergy medication from about 10 pills a day to one pill a day! My hives have minimized to very few daily from having them all day long! In addition, my eating disorder has been cured and blood pressure has been normalized. I have been relieved and it's helped my well being! I look forward to the treatments and all the healing the acupuncture is doing to my body inside and out!
Thank you so very much!!!
Julie Age 43 5/24/2016
Dr. Zhang, I just wanted to share with you, the great results I am experiencing since I have started your acupuncture treatments. This is the first time I have ever received acupuncture treatments, so I did not know what to expect. I am happy to tell you that since I started my treatments I have lost 9.5 pounds and also feel more relaxed and calm . I was surprised that in such a short time, I am already seeing such healthy and superiorresults under your care. Acupuncture treatments have now become a healthy preventative aspect of my healthy lifestyle now. I want to thank you for your wonderful, professional work in helping me to reach a healthier lifestyle. I highly recommend your treatments to anyone, who wants to improve their overall health and live a more relaxed and content lifestyle.
Sincerely, C. Diaz August, 2016
Dr. Zhang has been wonderful! I went to her with some arterial blockages and after doctors wanted to do surgery, insert stents and put me on pharmaceuticals for LIFE! Doctors CANNOT WAIT to do surgery. I was sad to see how fast they jump at that chance. I had to SERIOUSLY evaluate the pros and cons and I could not find pros in stents with such high risks. I chose to give acupuncture a try and in a month or so was feeling SO MUCH better. I don't know if my blockages are better but I can walk MUCH further without pain, my blood pressure has improved incredibly and i feel so much better. Dr. Zhang is caring and kind and listens to all my concerns. This is my first time with acupuncture but I feel Dr. Zhang makes the difference. She makes time to listen which MOST doctors do not (and they can't wait to do surgery!!). I highly recommend Dr. Zhang and ACCHM in Phoenix/Gilbert.r paragraph here.
Reva 11/2017 (Google Review)
Dr. Zhang is a wonderful acupuncturist! She is caring, professional and knows so much about the body/mind connection. Each treatment is relaxing and energizing; you always walk out feeling better than went you went into her office. I highly recommend Dr Zhang
Shawn 2018 (Google Review)
Dr. Zhang is amazing. She treated my acne and the results are incredible. After the very first visit, I was able to see results. Thank you, Dr. Zhang!!!
Brenda 5/2018 (Google Review)
Dr. Feng Zhang is caring and knowledgeable. I have been seeing her for two months. I experienced nerve damage and numbness in my right arm, wrist and fingers from a car accident that occurred in Nov 1992. Dr. Zhang performed two acupuncture treatments and, to my amazement, I now have full use, feeling and strength in my right arm, wrist and fingers! She diagnosed early heart problems and she has been relieving the pressure in my chest. She is also reversing my bunions and working on my left ear tinnitus. I am so grateful and thankful for her healing and naturopathic expertise. (Google Review)
Betty 2019
I am proud to call Dr. Feng a friend. She has my trust with my family's and co-workers' health. Dr. Feng has helped fix many issues for us, including cysts, heart palpitations, body temperature, seasonal illnesses, and many others. Perhaps the biggest benefit of Dr. Feng's care is the peace of mind in knowing we will get better and that she will know what to do to help us.
Tony 2/2019
Dr. Zhang is very intuitive and detailed. My blood pressure has gone down to normal after around 5 treatments. I can breathe through my nose too. This is amazing because prior to Acupuncture treatment I mostly had a clogged nose (all of my life).
Jeanny, Age 59 9/8/2016
I was having continually more problems with incontinence, when I contacted Dr. Zhang for help. The relief she was able to provide was amazing! Using her acupuncture skills plus Chinese herbs for 5 weeks has given me a new lease on life. The incontinence is no longer out of hand and in fact is hardly an issue. Living in a senior community, I hear this problem is not unusual for women as we age. I will certainly recommend Dr. Feng Zhang at every opportunity. Respectfully,
Ann S. 4/2019
I was cured after only 3 visits. My allergy was gone after 3 visits. She was very efficient and inexpensive. And was very helpful and honest.
Dan 12/2018 (Google Review)